Sunday, March 1


Sometimes you just need to focus on the positive things when bad things happen. I watched a video by Amelia Liana on YouTube about How To Be Happy a few days ago, and it's brilliant. Even though some of these tips are simple, it's something I know I don't do on a regular basis.

The first thing she brings up is to have an "Attitude of Gratitude" and to focus on the positive things and even finding positive impacts of bad situations. This is amazing! I really want to start doing this.
I know I've been talking about wanting to keep a positive mindset, but it's very hard. So I might also start writing a Gratitude Journal where I at least write down one thing I'm grateful for at the end of every day. It's a very good idea. Then you have all the positive thoughts written down and you can go back and look on really gloomy days. :P

What brought this whole post on was my eating pattern this weekend. I'm been struggling for close to a year to not binge out on Saturdays, and lately it's even started Friday night. I know many people are struggling with this, but being like I am, I take everything to an extreme. xD

But now I'm sat here being grateful and happy with myself, because although I ate way too much food yesterday, I've took the first step towards taking control of it by not starting already on Friday. And I also didn't eat any nuts, which is a major binge trigger for me.
I know it's ridiculous, but this is a huge thing for me. And I think that instead of just expecting everything to be under control with perfect macros every Saturday, I need to take one step at a time. I'm on a journey. It might be a long one... But I don't mind, because every step in the right direction is making me grateful and happy. :)

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